Saturday, March 24, 2012

Random Thoughts: I'M EXCITED FOR BORAAA :)

It's already 12:50am here in Manila. Saturday.
I'll be leaving for Boracaaay in a few hours.
I can't help but express my excitement at this very moment that's why I'm blogging LOL
This is a just a random post since I'm bored and I got no work to do at the moment. HAHAHA

Anywaaay, I'm juuust SUUUPER EXCITED for BORAAA! :))
It's actually my first time to go to Aklan :))
I'm too fortunate that this year, I'll be going to Aklan twice. HAHA

Meee sooo excited with the water activities that awaits meee :))
I would reallyyy looove to try FLYING FISH! That thing is a MUST in my "Activities in BORA" checklist :)
Oh! Before I forget, please do pray for us to have a safe trip to Boraaa :)
And I hope Mr. Sun will be up through out our stay in Boraaa :))
THIS WILL BE FUUUN FOR SUUURE because I'm with maaah friends LOL
Wait for our picsss and myyy stories in my next postsss :)

This is a super random and full of nonsense post JOKE
This is not sooo me. There are no pictuuures LOL
Lotsa Love,
Larraine <3

Thursday, March 22, 2012

MALAYSIA TRIP 2012: Day 4 :)

YEY! We're down to my veryyy laaast post about my KL Trip MWAHAHA
WAAA! HELLO DAY 4 in KL! :))

My beginning balance for my last day in KL was supposedly RM 175.80 but what's inside my wallet was only RM 175.20. OH WELL! HAHA RM 0.60's no big deal :))

Morning breakyyy care of Hotel Sempurnaaa :))

The fried noodles is LOOOVE! Plus the toasted bread with butter and jam :))

WELCOME TO BERYL'S -- The Chocolate Haveeen :))

Thanks to Mr. Cameraman HAHA

The guy behind Jenny is like a tour guide of other tourists HAHA

After we bought our chocolates from Beryls,
we had our second to the last-minute shopping HAHA
Here are the malls which are supeeer walking distance from Hotel Sempurna :))

Time to re-pack thyyy things!
Sooo I only brought with me one duffel bag since I did not expect that I'll be shopping big stuffs in KL HAHAHA
Good thing I got to shop a very cheap but classy red duffel bag from Sungei Wang :))

 Look at that haggard faaace! Eeew HAHA

Look at Joann's polka dot baaag! SOOO BIG HAHA
Anne's too serious!!! :))

Jenny too! You really need to concentrate while re-packing HAHA

We're tiiired. HAHA We're really ready to go back to Manilaaa :))

My girlfriends' baaagsss :))

Loooookeeey! I told yaaa! HAHA I got 2 duffel baaags already HAHA

Since our transpo to the airport was not yet there, we decided to have our very last-minute shopping HAHAHA

OH MYYY SEPHORAAA! I hope we'll have Sephoraaa here in Manilaaa!

I got no money to buy sooome lipstick sooo I just tried some tester HAHA
Alsooo Anneee!!! HAHA

These stuffs are all testersss! OHMYYY!
Too much for those makeups HAHA

Let's have this one last look to the very high end Pavilion Mall :))

Welcooome to the all Superman & Batman Store HAHA

The Year of the Dragooon :))

WAHAHAHA These bears are LOOOVE :))

ALRIIIGHT! It's tiiime for uuusss to gooooo hooome now!
It was raining real hard on our way to the airport. I was wishing that our flight would not be cancelled because I'm dead tired already and got no money in my pocket HAHA

See youuu soon :))

Hello Manilaaa!!!
Welcooome back to reality HAHAHA

I'm too excited to finish this whole Malaysia posts HAHA
These are MY EXPENSES for my 4th and last day in Kuala Lumpur :)

Chocolate Shopping at Beryl's: RM 92.50
Last-minute shopping: RM 10.80
Extra hour in hotel: RM 3.75
Dunkin Donuts Dinner: RM 14.50
Van Service to Airport from Hotel SempurnaRM 22.50


What was left with meee when I got back in Manila was RM 31.25 HAHAHA
NOOOT BAAAD! I did not over-budget HAHA

I hope you enjoyed these series of my Malaysia trip posts :))
WETCH EWT for my other adventuuures, friends! :))
Thank youuuuu sooo much for giving a bit of your time with all these posts :))
I looove youuu to bits! ♥

Don't forget to shooow sooome looove by leaving comments :))

***Some of the photos were grabbed from Jenny and Joann :))***
***Some of the crappy and grainy photos were not from Baby Nik but from my phone and brother's tab***

Lotsa Love,
Larraine <3