Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Date with Mr. Ong and Typhoon Falcon :)

October 9, 2010-June 23, 2011
Well, it's been 8 months since I last saw Avin Ong!

Gaaaaa! I really missed this guy especially the way he smiles and the super obvious Chinese accent that he has. [Peace Avin! :)]

Finally, last June 23, 2011, that super epic Thursday, I had a catch-up date with Avin at MOA. I'm sooo glad that he made it despite of the rain and the distance :) He's such a true friend :)

 After this catch-up date, when we're about to leave, Falcon welcomed us with a super duper mega heavy rain aaand super mega duper strong wind plusss the super dirty floooooood! EPIC NIGHT!

I'm just sooo happy with Avin and I's friendship :)
It's so genuine and really does conquer all HAHAHA

Lotsa Love,
Larraine <3

P.S. Sorry for the super late post. My laptop's not yet okay until now :(

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Okaaay! Here's a really short post for everyone :)

Since I haven't posted anything here on my blog for like two weeks already HUHUHU (because my laptop's busted, it's actually functioning but the screen's all blaaack -- so how could I use that eh?)

Let's not talk about that anymore :) I will surely have my lappy fixed so I could post again here every week :)

 By the way, I have something for all of youuu :)
Todaaay, I just wanna inspire you and share a little note for everyone :)
Here's a doodled thingy from my planner made by yours truly

I hope this little note could help you to really have the guts to pursue whatever you want to happen in your life. Nothing's impossible as long as you believe that that thing will happen :)


 Lotsa Love,
Larraine <3